Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Shutting Up

So its been a proven fact that talking makes shit worse. Silence has never been as golden as it is right now. No longer will I tell people the truth about them since it always makes me look bad no matter what. You tell me to talk and you will listen but you're a liar. You only wanna hear me when it's not about you. You don't want your own inconvenient truth but loves every ones else's. You can speak the truth about me with no problem and I can't disagree with your thoughts about me means that well that just must be the truth. You call me out on all my faults with no problem but don't like it in return. In the end of the day as a human race we're on the same in the aspect that we're all full of shit. We all talk a good game but in the end of the day that game is only good when it's about other people. My silence will speak volumes. My silence will hurt you more then my words ever will or could only because my silence gives you time to think about your lies and your wrong doing. I will shut the fuck up give you your break. Give up on myself because that means making you happy. My silence is golden watch it break you.